Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Decor

Lets start with 1966 Aust. Better Homes & Gardens. Take away the carnations and you could be looking at a Modern lounge! 

Here's a page from 1959 Aust Home Journal

Don't you just love the Horse on the

And I would repaint my china cabinet Red, if I had one.

This is from a doorstop of a Book from the mid fifties called Newnes Better Home Making- oh what a treasure trove for so many things but the decor sections are STUNNING!

 On a different Colour ideal here is a room displayed in the Aust Women's Weekly 1969.
                                     Part of me is revolted by this room and the                                           other half of me loves it.

This is a from a book from the 50's attached to a Sunday news paper. The Australian Home Decorator and Painter. It's chock full of goodness with perfect colour charts and furniture tips. I will use this as soon as I'm able to repaint

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my! It is my dream to live inside a 70's interior. If only :)